Newsletter – Vol. 35, December 2024
Farewell Message of Resigning President
This is a moment for me to reflect on EURASIP as I end my term as president.
I have had the honour of leading our association since 2022, and I would like to express my sincere thanks to my friends
from the Board of Directors of EURASIP who have served with me during my term. As you will know EURASIP is run by volunteers
and the members of the BoD give significant time and expertise in fulfilling their roles. For this, the association is truly grateful
to all BoD members and volunteers. I have been very delighted and honoured to work with all the members of the board of directors
including Kostas Berberidis, Sabrina Greco, Steve McLaughlin, Patrick Naylor, Esa Ollila, Björn Ottersten, Nelly Pustelnik,
Augusto Sarti, Alle-Jan van der Veen and Toon van Waterschoot. Thanks to them, I have been feeling a member of the EURASIP family during my whole term.
Over the last few years, EURASIP has consolidated its position as the leading European scholarly association for signal processing. The EURASIP journals have been the subject of considerable scrutiny and subsequent efforts of the BoD, particularly the Directors for Publications, Esa Ollila and previously Kostas Berberidis, working closely with our publishers. I am pleased that the EURASIP journals have remained strong and have gained ground in terms of impact, thanks in large part to the efforts of the Editors-in-Chief and their editorial boards. We have also seen developments in several of the 'back office' functions of EURASIP that have resulted in smooth running and updated systems for the website and membership database. I particularly want to thank the Directors for Finance and Operations, Steve McLaughlin and Toon van Waterschoot, for their tireless efforts, as well as Aldona Niemiro-Sznajder for her many efficient and effective contributions to EURASIP over the years.
I'm delighted that our flagship EUSIPCO conference has been able to continue its great success and to remain the
first and most significant European signal processing conference. During my term, EUSIPCO was hosted in Belgrade, Helsinki and Lyon,
which allowed us to discover diverse cultures from Serbia, Finland and France. I particularly thank all the conference organizers,
the EURASIP Director for Conferences, Augusto Sarti and the Deputy Director of Conferences Toon van Waterschoot for their remarkable achievements during this post-covid period.
The EURASIP Technical Area Committees, formed from EURASIP members who are technical experts and leaders, have been strengthened significantly during the last few years. As a result, the TACs, under the superb guidance of the Director for Technical Activities, Björn Ottersten, now represent a significant 'powerhouse' of technical expertise. The committees are effective in driving and steering the technical strategy of EURASIP. The TACs are now increasingly involved in maintaining and improving the technical quality of our conferences and publications. Furthermore, these committees helpfully contribute award nominations from their respective scientific communities. The EURASIP Awards programme spans all levels of scientific achievement from PhD and Early Career right through to the most senior level at which outstanding contributions are recognized by the prestigious EURASIP Fellow award. I thank the EURASIP Director for Awards, Sabrina Greco for operating all the award schemes with the highest levels of diligence and quality.
During my term as the president of EURASIP, membership has been handled by Steve McLaughlin and Nelly Pustelnik who have been working intensively for maintaining high quality sponsorship for summer schools and workshops and have been organizing high-level webinars. They have also been working with a lot of enthusiasm with the Student Committee chaired by Paolo Di Lorenzo and Yoann Altmann. It was really a great pleasure to work with you Steve and Nelly!!
EURASIP has been very innovative during these last years,
in particular with the creation of the Student Committee and the EURASIP academy. I am very proud to have participated in the creation of the Academy, whose main objective is to boost the career of the young talented signal processing researchers working for our association through the development of their skills. I would like to thank again Björn Ottersten for initiating this new activity within the association and accepting to become the Director of the Academy. Thanks a lot Björn!!
To finish, I would like to thank my coach Patrick Naylor who helped me considerably during these three years. As the Past-President of EURASIP, he always offered me important advice and was always there whenever I had any doubts. The time has come to pass the President role to my successor Steve McLaughlin. I am convinced that Steve will be an excellent President for our association. Steve is more than a friend and thus it will be very easy for me to continue to work with him during the three coming years as the Past-President of EURASIP.
With my very best wishes,
Jean-Yves Tourneret
contributed by Jean-Yves Tourneret, EURASIP President
The EURASIP BoD welcomes proposals from prospective organizers of webinars. For more information, click here.
contributed by Nelly Pustelnik, EURASIP Director for Technical Programs and Membership
Calendar of EURASIP co-sponsored Events
Title |
Date |
Location |
BIOSIGNALS 2025, 18th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Feb. 20-22, 2025 |
Porto, Portugal |
ICPRAM 2025 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Feb. 23-25, 2025 |
Porto, Portugal |
SSP 2025 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop
(Paper submission deadline: Feb. 12, 2025)
Jun. 8-11, 2025 |
Edinburgh, Scotland |
25th DSP 2025, 25th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing,
(Paper submission deadline: Feb. 25, 2025)
Jun. 25-27, 2025 |
Costa Navarino, Messinia, Greece |
EUSIPCO 2025, 33rd
European Signal Processing Conference (Paper submission deadline: Mar. 1, 2025) |
Sep. 8-12, 2025 |
Isola delle Femmine, Sicily, Italy |
EUVIP 2025, 13th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing |
Oct. 13-16, 2025 |
Valletta, Malta |
contributed by Nelly Pustelnik, EURASIP Director for Technical Programs and Membership
The EURASIP BoD welcomes proposals from prospective organizers of seasonal schools. For more
information, click here.
contributed by Nelly Pustelnik, EURASIP Director for Technical Programs and Membership
Open Special Issues of EURASIP Journals
If you are interested in organizing a special issue in one of the EURASIP journals, please contact the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
contributed by Esa Ollila, EURASIP Director for Publications
Recently submitted Ph.D. Theses in EURASIP Library
contributed by Stefano Damiano, EURASIP Newsletter editor
EURASIP encourages employers to post open research positions in Signal Processing on
the EURASIP Job Site. Open positions will be continuously accessible online and will be
advertised monthly in the EURASIP Newsletter.
contributed by Stefano Damiano, EURASIP Newsletter editor
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