Newsletter – Vol. 33, September 2022
President’s Message: Welcome to New Members
EURASIP extends a warm welcome to all members, especially those that joined the Association at the 2022 edition of EUSIPCO organized in Belgrade held in hybrid mode.
This conference was very successful. A total of 460 papers were accepted and around 350 persons attended the conference in person. This very good attendance implied fruitful exchanges between researchers working in the area of signal and image processing. We also had the opportunity to discover the Serbian culture and meet Serbians "who never sleep".
On behalf of the entire Association, we send many thanks to the organizing committee of EUSIPCO 2022, particularly the General Chairs Petar Djuric and Milica Stojanovic, the technical program chairs Aleksandra Pizurica, Kostas Berberidis and Pau Closas, and all the members of the local committee including the local chairs Miljco Eric and Ilija Radovanovic. In addition, we enjoyed some excellent keynotes, including the EURASIP Fellow Inaugural Lecture given by Prof Jean-Christophe Pesquet and the excellent presentations of Regina Barzilay, Olgica Milenkovic and Ahmed Tewfik, as well as all the regular paper sessions and special sessions. These keynotes and other recent presentations will be freely available via very soon.
EURASIP has been fully active throughout and after the pandemic, with meetings, workshops, conferences, and seasonal schools taking place online. It is remarkable how people have adapted to make the best possible outcome from difficult situations. I sincerely hope that EURASIP members, new and existing, will enjoy participating in and contributing to a variety of activities organized and sponsored by the Association. Our newly updated website at is the place to find out what upcoming events are scheduled and to see other details, including EURASIP publications and awards. I take this opportunity to look forward to EUSIPCO 2023 planned to take place in Helsinki (Finland)- in person and with the option for remote access. The conference dates are September 4 to September 8, 2023.
Please visit for details.
With best regards,
Jean-Yves TOURNERET, EURASIP President
EURASIP Technical Area Committees - Call for 2023 Membership Nominations
The EURASIP Technical Area Committees (TACs) form the backbone of EURASIP’s technical activities ensuring highest quality and relevance. TAC members are leading scientists and technical experts in their field. The TACs are currently soliciting nominations for new members joining 2023 for a three-year mandate.
The TACs facilitate the interaction and communication of EURASIP members in a specific scientific area and support EURASIP conferences, seasonal schools, publications, and the awards process, please see the EURASIP website for further details.
The nomination form must include information on the area of expertise, a short bio (max. 300 words) and a statement of the nominee (max. 300 words) stressing possible contributions to the TAC. Self-nominations are possible and all nominations require a supporting statement by a member of the corresponding TAC. The nomination must be received by the TAC chair (find email address on website) by 15 November.
The TAC members vote on the nominations and the outcome will be communicated to the nominators before the end of the year.
contributed by Björn Ottersten, EURASIP Director for Technical Activities
EURASIP Awards: Call Submission PhD Theses
The European Association for Signal Processing created and maintains a database of PhD manuscripts at which is one of the world's largest in the area of signal processing. The database interface also shows download statistics and publishes regularly the 10 top downloaded theses.
Every year a committee of experts nominated by the EURASIP Board of Directors selects up to three theses related to different areas of signal processing to be awarded ‘Best PhD Thesis’ awards. The selection process is based on the evaluation of the impact of the theses, their subsequent journal and conference publications and related citations received, and on the review reports of independent reviewers as well as on the download and citation statistics.
In order to select the 2023 best PhD theses , the temporal window of the years 2018 through 2020 is considered. The awards will be presented during the Awards Ceremony at EUSIPCO 2023. Each award consists of a certificate and of a travelling & accommodation reimbursement of 1K Euros for attending the Awards Ceremony.
If you want to make your PhD thesis available in the EURASIP database, visit the site and upload your thesis.
contributed by Sabrina Greco, EURASIP Director for Awards
Calendar of EURASIP Co-Sponsored Events
Title |
Date |
Location |
SPRINGEROPEN EURASIP JIVP's Free Web conferencing , Generative models in computer vision and biometrics
Oct. 6, 2022 |
12.30 CET, online |
WSA 2023, International ITG 26th Workshop on Smart Antennas and 13th Conference on Systems, Communications, and Coding
(Paper submission deadline: October 31, 2022)
Feb. 27 - Mar. 3, 2023 |
Braunschweig, Germany |
Joint EuCNC & 6GS Summit 2023
(Paper submission deadline: Jan 27, 2023)
Jun 6 - 9, 2023 |
Gothenburg, Sweden |
EUSIPCO 2023, 31st European Signal Processing Conference
(Paper submission deadline: Feb 20, 2023)
Sep. 4 - 8, 2023 |
Helsinki, Finland |
contributed by Steve McLaughlin, EURASIP Director for Technical Programs and Membership
Open Special Issues of EURASIP Journals
If you are interested in organizing a special issue in one of the EURASIP journals, please contact the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
contributed by Filip Elvander, EURASIP Newsletter editor
EURASIP encourages employers to post open research positions in Signal Processing on the EURASIP Job Site.
Open positions will be continuously accessible online and will be advertised monthly in the EURASIP Newsletter.
contributed by Filip Elvander, EURASIP Newsletter editor
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