Eurasip Newsletter

Newsletter – Vol. 35, June 2024

EURASIP Best Paper Awards are presented annually to mark outstanding contributions published in the journals sponsored by EURASIP. For the year 2025, the journals which, according to EURASIP regulations, meet the awarding requirements are the following:

  • Signal Processing
  • Speech Communication
  • Image Communication
  • EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
  • EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
  • EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing

All papers published in the above journals that have a publication date in the years 2020-2023, are eligible to be awarded. Papers not eligible for award are only the following: Review or tutorial papers, papers co-authored by members of the EURASIP Board of Directors or Award Committee members, and papers previously awarded by EURASIP.

For each journal, a Committee co-chaired by the EURASIP Awards Chair and the Editor-in-Chief carries out the assessment of the papers. The assessment criteria include:

  • Relevance of the topic
  • Quality of the technical content
  • Style of the presentation
  • Originality

For additional information on the scope and criteria for EURASIP awards, please visit the EURASIP website. There you may find further details of the nomination and awards process.

All EURASIP Members are invited to nominate eligible papers. Please submit nominations to the EURASIP Awards Director, Maria Sabrina Greco, by e-mail.
The deadline for nominations is 31st October 2024.
We encourage you to share this information with your colleagues and peers.

contributed by Sabrina Greco, EURASIP Director for Awards

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We are excited to share an exclusive video interview with the new Editor-in-Chief of Signal Processing, Prof. Dr. Cédric Richard, who shares his plans for the journal, which include a focus on innovation, promoting transparency and reproducibility, and enhancing diversity in publishing. The video also includes an interview with former Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Geert Leus, who reflects on his six years in the role. We extend a very warm welcome to Prof. Richard and thank Prof. Leus for his tremendous contribution to the success of Signal Processing journal.

The video is available on Elsevier Journals YouTube channel. You can watch the video here:

contributed by Esa Ollila, EURASIP Director for Publications

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We are excited to share a video interview with with the new Editor-in-Chief of Signal Processing: Image Communication, Dr. Federica Battisti, who shares her plans for the future, including her desire to introduce new formats, such as a fast track for PhD student outcomes. She also shares tips for authors and her thoughts on what makes the journal so unique.

The video is available on Elsevier Journals YouTube channel. You can watch the video here:

contributed by Esa Ollila, EURASIP Director for Publications

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The Summer School on Remote Sensing and Microscopy Image Processing (SSRM) aims to provide a stimulating opportunity for graduate and PhD students interested in image processing. SSRM will be held between 29 July and 2 August 2024, in Veszprém, Hungary, hosted by the University of Pannonia. Participants will benefit from direct interaction with internationally renowned researchers in various fields of image processing and computer vision applied to remote sensing and microscopy as well as from interacting with fellow participants from all over the world. Students will also have the possibility to present their research. In addition to morning lectures, students work on an assignment in international teams, which are then evaluated by a committee of lecturers on the last day. The best works are awarded symbolic prizes. Students will receive a certificate of attending the Summer School and passing the exam, which is recognized as a special PhD course by several universities.

Application: The school will be open to about 30-40 motivated and pre-selected candidates. Graduate and PhD students, post-docs and young researchers (both from academia and industry) are encouraged to apply by submitting the online registration form at

For more information about the school and the registration please click here:

contributed by Nelly Pustelnik, EURASIP Director for Technical Programs and Membership

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The EURASIP BoD welcomes proposals from prospective organizers of webinars. For more information, click here.

Title Speaker Date
Algebraic Methods in code-based cryptography Simona Samardjiska Sep. 18, 2024 at 3pm CEST
Towards a Mathematical Theory of Trustworthy Federated Learning Alex Jung Oct. 16, 2024 at 3pm CET

contributed by Nelly Pustelnik, EURASIP Director for Technical Programs and Membership

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Title Date Location
CDNDSI 2024, 4th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing Jul. 17-19, 2024 Rome, Italy
EUSIPCO 2024, 32nd European Signal Processing Conference Aug. 26-30, 2024 Lyon, France
EUVIP 2024, The 12th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing Sep. 8-11, 2024 Geneva, Switzerland
IWAENC 2024, International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement Sep. 9-12, 2024 Aalborg, Denmark
ICPRAM 2025, International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(Paper submission deadline: October 2, 2024)
Feb. 20-22, 2025 Porto, Portugal
BIOSIGNALS 2025, International Conference On Bio-Inspired Systems And Signal Processing
(Paper submission deadline: October 2, 2024)
Feb. 23-25, 2025 Porto, Portugal

contributed by Nelly Pustelnik, EURASIP Director for Technical Programs and Membership

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The EURASIP BoD welcomes proposals from prospective organizers of seasonal schools. For more information, click here.

Title Date Location
EURASIP Summer School on Remote Sensing and Microscopy Image Processing Jul. 29 - Aug. 2, 2024 Veszprém, Hungary,
2024 IEEE-EURASIP Summer School on Signal Processing (S3P-2024) Sep. 23 - 27, 2024 Capri, Italy

contributed by Nelly Pustelnik, EURASIP Director for Technical Programs and Membership

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If you are interested in organizing a special issue in one of the EURASIP journals, please contact the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.

Signal Processing Deadline
Advances in Model-based Deep Learning Jul. 31, 2024
Trustworthy Multi-modal Signal Processing and Applications Aug. 31, 2024

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Deadline
Advanced Signal Processing for Sustainable and Low Footprint Wireless Communications Aug. 31, 2024
Science data with hidden periodic structure - new perspectives Dec. 31, 2024

EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing Deadline
Recent Advances in Plug-and-Play Methods for Signal, Image and Video Processing: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications Jul. 31, 2024
Visual coding for humans and machines Jul. 31, 2024

EURASIP Journal on Information Security Deadline
Trends in Digital Identity: Security, Privacy, and Trust Jun. 30, 2024

contributed by Esa Ollila, EURASIP Director for Publications

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Author Title & Link University Supervisors Publication
Mokrý, Ondřej Modern Optimization Methods for Interpolation of Missing Sections in Audio Signals Brno University of Technology Pavel Rajmic 2024

contributed by Filip Elvander, EURASIP Newsletter editor

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EURASIP encourages employers to post open research positions in Signal Processing on the EURASIP Job Site. Open positions will be continuously accessible online and will be advertised monthly in the EURASIP Newsletter

Open Positions Institution Location Closing Date
PhD Scholarship in Signal Processing and Machine Learning Algorithms UGE, ESIEE/LIGM lab PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Jun. 28, 2024
Postdoctoral position in artificial intelligence for immersive audio compression Université de Sherbrooke Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada Jun. 30, 2024
PhD position - AI-enhanced highly mobile and unpredictable IoT networks UGE, ESIEE/LIGM lab Noisy-le-Grand, France Jun. 30, 2024
PhD position - Sustainable wireless communications: low-energy, low-cost and zero added electromagnetic waves UGE, ESIEE/LIGM lab Noisy-le-Grand, France Jun. 30, 2024
Postdoctoral Researcher in Bayesian model comparison Signal-Image research Group - IMS Laboratory Bordeaux, France Jun. 30, 2024
PhD/Assistant (Pre-Doc)/Doctoral Student TU Wien, Vienna, Austria Jul. 31, 2024
Postdoctoral position on multiple-antenna systems, reflective surfaces and interference mitigation for 6G networks PUC-Rio Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Jul. 31, 2024
PhD Position in Uncoordinated Multi-User Wireless Communications Inria Lyon, Rhône, France Jul. 31, 2024
PhD position - Tensor decomposition methods for data fusion: Application to multi-subject fMRI data CRAN, University of Lorraine Nancy, France Jul. 31, 2024
Open Post-doctoral, Doctoral & Visiting Researcher Positions Federal University of Ceara Fortaleza, Brazil Aug. 31, 2024
PhD Scholarship in Cognitive Satellite Radios Macquarie University Sydney, Australia Sep. 1, 2024
Postdoctoral Researcher in Statistical and Tensor Methods for Spatiotemporal Heterogeneous Data Analysis CRAN, University of Lorraine Nancy, France Dec. 31, 2024

contributed by Filip Elvander, EURASIP Newsletter editor

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