Best Paper Awards
Haodong Li, Bin Li, Shunquan Tan, Jiwu Huang,
Identification of Deep Network Generated Images Using Disparities in Color Components Signal Processing, Volume 174, September 2020

Zhonghua Liu, Zhihui Lai, Weihua Ou, Kaibing Zhang, Ruijuan Zheng,
Structured optimal graph based sparse feature extraction for semi-supervised learning
Signal Processing, Volume 170, May 2020.
Galdran A
Image dehazing by artificial multiple-exposure image fusion
Signal Processing, Volume 149, August 2018, Pages 135-147
Si Qin, Yimin D. Zhang, Moeness G. Amin, Braham Himed
DOA estimation exploiting a uniform linear array with multiple co-prime frequencies
Signal Processing, vol. 130, pp. 37-46, Jan. 2017
Xueyang Fu, Delu Zeng, Yue Huang, Yinghao Liao, Xinghao Ding, and John W. Paisley
A fusion-based enhancing method for weakly illuminated images
Signal Processing, vol. 129, pp. 82-96, Dec. 2016

Xuefeng Chen, Zhaohui Du, Jimeng Li, Xiang Li and Han Zhang
Compressed sensing based on dictionary learning for extracting impulse components
Signal Processing, Volume 96, Part A, March 2014, Pages 94-109.

Gaurav Thakur, Eugene Brevdo, Neven S. Fuckar and Hau-Tieng Wu
The Synchrosqueezing algorithm for time-varying spectral analysis: Robustness properties and new paleoclimate applications
Signal Processing 93 (2013), 1079-1094
Ljubisa Stankovic, Srdjan Stankovic, Moeness Amin
Missing samples analysis in signals for applications to L-estimation and compressive sensing
Signal Processing 94 (2014), 401–408

J.C. Trigeassou, N. Maamri, J. Sabatier, A. Oustaloup
A Lyapunov approach to the stability of fractional differential equations
Signal Processing, Volume 91, Issue 3, March 2011, Pages 437–445
Nuno R.O.Bastos, Rui A.C.Ferreira, Delfim F.M.Torres
Discrete-time fractional variational problems
Signal Processing, Volume 91, Issue 3, March 2011, Pages 513–524

Piyu Tsai, Yu-Chen Hu, Hsiu-Lien Yeh
Reversible image hiding scheme using predictive coding and histogram shifting
Signal Processing, Volume 89, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 1129-1143
Dongqing Wang, Feng Ding
Least squares based and gradient based iterative identification for Wiener nonlinear systems
Signal Processing, Volume 91, Issue 5, May 2011, Pages 1182-1189
A.C. Gurbuz, J.H. McClellan, W.R. Scott Jr.
Compressive sensing for subsurface imaging using ground penetrating radar
Signal Processing, Volume 89, Issue 10, October 2009, Pages 1959–1972, 2009

J. H. G. Ender
On compressive sensing applied to radar
Signal Processing. Vol. 90. Pages: 1402–1414. 2010
Yaakov Tsaig, David L. Donoho
Breakdown of equivalence between the minimal l^1 -norm solution and the sparsest solution
Signal Processing, Volume 86, Issue 3, March 2006, Pages 533-548

Joel A. Tropp, Anna C. Gilbert, Martin J. Strauss
Algorithms for simultaneous sparse approximation. Part I: Greedy pursuit
Signal Processing. Volume 86, Issue 3, March 2006. Pages 572-588
Yaakov Tsaig and David L. Donoho
Extensions of compressed sensing
Signal Processing, Volume 86 (3), pp. 549-571

Junmo Kim, Mujdat Cetin, Alan S. Willsky
Nonparametric shape priors for active contour-based image segmentation
Signal Processing, Vol. 87 (12), pp. 3021-3044, 2007
Jacek Leskow and Antonio Napolitano
Foundations of the functional approach for signal analysis
Signal Processing, 86 (12), pp. 3796-3825

R. Schober, L. Lampe, W.H. Gerstacker
On suboptimum receivers for DSCDMA with BPSK modulation
Signal Processing. Vol. 85(6), pp. 1149-1163, 2005
Ishuwa C. Sikaneta and Jean-Yves Chouinard
Eigendecomposition of the multi-channel covariance matrix with applications to SAR-GMTI
Signal Processing. Vol. 84, No. 9, September 2004, pp. 1501-1535

Simon Doclo and Marc Moonen
Design of far-field and near-field broadband beamformers using eigenfilters
Signal Processing. Vol. 83, No. 12, December 2003, pp. 2641-2673
Emmanuel J. Candes and Franck Guo
New multiscale transforms, minimum total variation synthesis: application to edge preserving image reconstruction
Signal Processing. Vol. 82, No. 11, November 2002, pp. 1519-1545

Joachim J. Eggers and Bernd Girod
Quantization effects on digital watermarks
Signal Processing. Vol. 81, No. 2, February 2001, pp. 239-263
D. Veitch, M. S. Taqqu, P. Abry
Meaningful MRA initialization for discrete time series
Signal Processing. Vol. 80, No. 9, September 2000, pp. 1971-1983

Antoon M. Van Dijk and Jean-Bernard Martens
Image representation and compression with steered Hermite transform
Signal Processing. Vol. 56, No. 1, 1997, pp. 1-16
A. Ferrari, C. Theys, G. Alengrin
Polynomial-phase signal analysis using stationary moments
Signal Processing. Vol. 54, No. 3, November 1996, pp. 239-248

A. Napolitano
Cyclic higher-order statistics: Input/output relation for discrete- and continuous-time MIMO linear almost-periodically time-variant systems
Signal Processing. Vol. 42, 1995, pp. 147-166
Tristan de Couasnon, Raoul Monnier, Jean Bernard
OFDM for digital broadcasting
Signal Processing. Vol. 39, 1994, pp. 1-32

O. Zugmeyer and J. P. Le Cadre
A new approach to the estimation of source motion parameters, part I
Signal Processing. Vol. 33, No. 3, September 1993, Pages 287-314
Thomas Kailath and Dirk T. M. Slock
A modular prewindowing framework for covariance FTF RLS algorithms
Signal Processing. Vol. 28, No. 1, July 1992, Pages 47-61

C. Jutten, J. Herault, P. Comon
Blind separation of sources: Part I and Part II
Signal Processing. Vol. 24, No 1, 1991
G. Borgefors, T. Hartmann, S. L. Tanimoto
Parallel distance transforms on pyramid machines: theory and implementation
Signal Processing. Vol. 21, No 1, 1990

D. D. Luke, L. Bomer, M. Antweiler
Perfect binary arrays
Signal Processing. Vol. 17, No. 1, May 1989
A. J. E. M. Janssen
Positivity of time-frequency distribution functions
Signal Processing. Vol. 14, No. 3, April 1998

Dong Zhao, Long Xu, Yihua Yan, Jie Chen, Ling-Yu Duan
Multi-scale Optimal Fusion model for single image dehazing
Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 74, May 2019
Chih-Yao Ma, Min-Hung Chen, Zsolt Kira, Ghassan AlRegib
TS-LSTM and temporal-inception: Exploiting spatiotemporal dynamics for activity recognition
Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 71, pp. 76–87, 2019.
Reisenhofer R., Bosse S., Kutyniok G., Wiegand T
A Haar wavelet-based perceptual similarity index for image quality assessment
Signal Processing: Image Communication, 61, 33–43, 2018

Denis Tomè, Federico Monti, Luca Baroffio, Luca Bondi, Marco Tagliasacchi, Stefano Tubaro
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for pedestrian detection
Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 47, pp. 482-489, Sept. 2016

Lixiong Liu, Yi Hua, Qingjie Zhao, Hua Huang, and Alan Conrad Bovik
Blind image quality assessment by relative gradient statistics and adaboosting neural network
Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 40, pp. 1-15, Jan. 2016
Ming-Jun Chen, Che-Chun Su, Do-Kyoung Kwon, Lawrence K. Cormack and Alan C. Bovik
Full-reference quality assessment of stereopairs accounting for rivalry
Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol. 28, Issues 9. Pages: 1143-1155, 2013

M. Francois, T. Grosges, D. Barchiesi, R. Erra
A new image encryption scheme based on a chaotic function
Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol. 24, Issues 1–2. Pages: 73–88, 2009
P. Merkle, Y. Morvan, A. Smolic, D. Farin, K. Müller, P.H.N. de With, T. Wiegand
The effects of multiview depth video compression on multiview rendering
Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 27, Issue 3, March 2012, Pages 249–259

P. Kauff, N. Atzpadin, C. Fehn, M. Muller, O. Schreer, A. Smolic, R. Tanger
Depth map creation and image-based rendering for advanced 3DTV services providing interoperability and scalability
Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol. 22. Pages 217–234, 2007
2007 – 2008
Dongwook Cho and Tien D. Bui
Multivariate statistical modeling for image denoising using wavelet transforms
Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol. 20. Pages 77–89, 2005

2006 – 2007
Prashant Ramanathan and Bernd Girod
Rate-distortion analysis for light field coding and streaming
Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol. 21, No. 6. Pages 462-475, July 2006
2004 – 2005
N. Bozinovic and J. Konrad
Motion analysis in 3D DCT domain and its application to video coding
Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol. 20. No. 6. Pages 510-528, 2005

2002 – 2003
Jun Wei Han and Lei Guo
A shape-based image retrieval method using salient edges
Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol. 18, No. 2. Pages 141-156, February 2003
2000 – 2001
M. Helsingius, P. Kuosmanen and J. Astola
Image compression using multiple transforms
Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol. 15, No. 6. Pages 513-529, March 2000

1998 – 1999
Etienne Decenciere, Chantal de Fouquet, Fernand Meyer
Applications of kriging to image sequence coding
Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol. 13, No. 3, September 1998
1996 – 1997
Martha Karczewicz, Jacek Nieweglowski, Petri Haavisto
Video coding using motion compensation with polynomial motion vector fields
Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol. 10. Pages 63-91, 1997

Dimitri Palaz, Mathew Magimai-Doss, Ronan Collobert,
End-to-end acoustic modeling using convolutional neural networks for HMM-based automatic speech recognition
Speech Communication, Vol. 108, pp. 15–32, 2019.
Masanori Morise
D4C, a band-aperiodicity estimator for high-quality speech synthesis
Speech Communication, Volume 84, pp. 57-65, Nov. 2016.

Yuan Liu, Yanmin Qian, Nanxin Chen, Tianfan Fu, Ya Zhang and Kai Yu
Deep feature for text-dependent speaker verification
Speech Communication, Volume 73, October 2015, Pages 1-13
Tiago H. Falk, Wai-Yip Chan, Fraser Shein
Characterization of atypical vocal source excitation, temporal dynamics and prosody for objective measurement of dysarthric word intelligibility
Speech Communication 54 (2012), 622–631
Kuldip Paliwal, Belinda Schwerin, Kamil Wojcicki
Speech enhancement using a minimum mean-square error short-time spectral modulation magnitude estimator
Speech Communication 54 (2012), 282–305

Denby, T. Schultz, K. Honda, T. Hueber, J.M. Gilbert, J.S. Brumberg
Silent speech interfaces
Speech Communication. Vol. 52, Issue 4. Pages 270–287, 2010
Tomoki Toda, Alan W. Black, Keiichi Tokuda
Statistical mapping between articulatory movements and acoustic spectrum using a Gaussian mixture model
Speech Communication. Vol. 50, Issue 3. Pages 215-227, 2008

2009 – 2010
Zeynep Inanoglu, Steve Young
Silent speech interfaces
Speech Communication. Vol. 52, Issue 4. Pages 270–287, 2010
2007 – 2008
J.P. Barker, M.P. Cooke, D.P.W. Ellis
Decoding speech in the presence of other sources
Speech Communication. Vol. 45. Pages 5–25, 2005

2005 – 2006
Gokhan Tur, Dilek Hakkani-Tur, Robert E. Schapire
Combining active and semi-supervised learning for spoken language understanding
Speech Communication. Vol. 45, Issue 2. Pages 171-186, 2005
2003 – 2004
Julia Hirschberg, Diane Litman, and Marc Swerts
Prosodic and Other Cues to Speech Recognition Failures
Speech Communication. Vol. 43, Issues 1-2. Pages 155-176, 2004

2001 – 2002
Ralf Schlόter, Wolfgang Macherey, Boris Mόller, and Hermann Ney
Comparison of discriminative training criteria and optimization methods for speech recognition
Speech Communication. Vol. 34. Pages 287-310, 2001
1999 – 2000
B. Roberts, Y. Ephraim
Hidden Markov modeling using Toeplitz covariance matrices
Speech Communication. Vol. 31. Pages 1-14, 2000

1998 – 1999
Hideki Kawahara, Ikuyo Masuda-Katsuse and Alain de Cheveigné
Restructuring speech representations using a pitch-adaptive time-frequency smoothing and an instantaneous-frequency based F0 extraction: Possible role of a repetitive structure in sounds
Speech Communication. Vol. 27, Nos. 3-4. Pages 187-207, 1999
Andreas Loukas, Nathanaël Perraudin,
Stationary time-vertex signal processing
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 20 August 2019

Ran Xin, Chenguang Xi & Usman A. Khan
FROST—Fast row-stochastic optimization with uncoordinated step-sizes
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2019.

Ankit Singh Rawat, Arya Mazumdar, and Sriram Vishwanath
Cooperative local repair in distributed storage
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2015, Article No. 107, Dec. 2015
Stefano Fortunati, Raffaele Grasso, Fulvio Gini, Maria S Greco and Kevin LePage
Single-snapshot DOA estimation by using Compressed Sensing
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2014:120, July 2014

Kaushallya Adhikari, John R. Buck and Kathleen E. Wage
Extending coprime sensor arrays to achieve the peak side lobe height of a full uniform linear array
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Sept. 2014, 2014:148
Gilles Puy, Pierre Vandergheynst, Rémi Gribonval and Yves Wiaux
Universal and efficient compressed sensing by spread spectrum and application to realistic Fourier imaging techniques
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012, 2012:6

Jinchao Li, Ali H. Sayed
Modeling bee swarming behavior through diffusion adaptation with asymmetric information sharing
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, December 2012, 2012:18
Wenkai Wang, Husheng Li, Yan(Lindsay) Sun and Zhu Han
Securing Collaborative Spectrum Sensing against Untrustworthy Secondary Users in Cognitive Radio Networks
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2010, 2010:695750

Jun Zhang, Robert W. Heath, Jr., Marios Kountouris, Jeffrey G. Andrews
Mode Switching for the Multi-Antenna Broadcast Channel Based on Delay and Channel Quantization
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2009, Article ID 802548
J. Alonso-Zárate, E. Kartsakli, Ch. Verikoukis, L. Alonso
Persistent RCSMA: A MAC protocol for a distributed cooperative ARQ scheme in wireless networks
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2008

Salama S. Ikki and Mohamed H. Ahmed
Performance of multiple-relay cooperative diversity systems with best relay selection over Rayleigh fading channels
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2008
Zhi-Quan Luo and Jong-Shi Pang
Analysis of iterative waterfilling algorithm for multiuser power control in digital subscriber lines
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Volume 2006, Article ID 24012

Jeroen Breebaart, Steven van de Par, Armin Kohlrausch, and Erik Schuijers
Parametric Coding of Stereo Audio
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Volume 2005, Issue 9, Pages 1305-1322
Georgios B. Giannakis, Paul A. Anghel and Zhengdao Wang
Generalized Multicarrier CDMA: Unification and Linear Equalization
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Volume 2005,Pages 743-756

Andrea M. Tonello
Wideband Impulse Modulation and Receiver Algorithms for Multiuser Power Line Communications
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Volume 2007, Article ID 96747
Huisheng Wang, Ngai-Man Cheung and Antonio Ortega
A Framework for Adaptive Scalable Video Coding Using Wyner-Ziv Techniques
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Volume 2006, Article ID 60971

Geeta Pasrija, Yan Chen, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny and Steve Blair
DSP approach to the design of nonlinear optical devices
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 5(10), pp. 1485-1497, 2005
Z. Jane Wang, Min Wu, Wade Trappe and K. J. Ray Liu
Group-Oriented Fingerprinting for Multimedia Forensics
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 14, 2004, pp. 2153–2173

Ralph Etienne-Cummings, Philippe Pouliquen and M. Anthony Lewis
A vision chip for color segmentation and pattern matching
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 7, 2003
2001 – 2002
Martin Coors, Holger Keding, Olaf Luthje and Heinrich Meyr
Design and DSP implementation of Fixed-point Systems
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2002, No. 9, Sept. 2002, pp. 908-925

1998 – 1999
Amir B. Geva
Bioelectric sources estimation using spatio-temporal matching pursuit
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1998
Zhao Chen and Xiaodong Wang
Decentralized computation offloading for multi-user mobile edge computing: a deep reinforcement learning approach
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2020

Marco Di Renzo and Jian Song
Reflection probability in wireless networks with metasurface-coated environmental objects: an approach based on random spatial processes
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019
Yijie Mao , Bruno Clerckx and Victor O.K. Li
Rate-splitting multiple access for downlink communication systems: bridging, generalizing, and outperforming SDMA and NOMA
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2018:133
Robin Gerzaguet, Nikolaos Bartzoudis, Leonardo Gomes Baltar, Vincent Berg, Jean-Baptiste Doré, Dimitri Kténas, Oriol Font-Bach, Xavier Mestre, Miquel Payaró, Michael Färber, and Kilian RMarco Di Renzo, Merouane Debbah, Dinh-Thuy Phan-Huy, Alessio Zappone, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Chau Yuen, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, George C. Alexandropoulos, Jakob Hoydis, Haris Gacanin, Julien de Rosny, Ahcene Bounceur, Geoffroy Lerosey, Mathias Finkoth
Smart radio environments empowered by reconfigurable AI meta-surfaces: an idea whose time has come
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2019, March 2019
Robin Gerzaguet, Nikolaos Bartzoudis, Leonardo Gomes Baltar, Vincent Berg, Jean-Baptiste Doré, Dimitri Kténas, Oriol Font-Bach, Xavier Mestre, Miquel Payaró, Michael Färber, and Kilian Roth
The 5G candidate waveform race: a comparison of complexity and performance
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2017, Article No. 13, Jan. 2017
Opeyemi Osanaiye, Haibin Cai, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Ali Dehghantanha, Zheng Xu and Mqhele Dlodlo
Ensemble-based multi-filter feature selection method for DDoS detection in cloud computing
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2016:130, May 2016

Shree Krishna Sharma, Symeon Chatzinotas and Bjorn Ottersten
Interference alignment for spectral coexistence of heterogeneous networks
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2013) 2013:46
Ejder Bastug, Mehdi Bennis, Marios Kountouris and Merouane Debbah
Cache-enabled Small Cell Networks: Modeling and Tradeoffs
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:41

Dominique Noguet, Matthieu Gautier, Vincent Berg
Advances in opportunistic radio technologies for TVWS
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 2011:170
Bharucha, Zubin, Saul, Andreas, Auer, Gunther, Haas, Harald
Dynamic Resource Partitioning for Downlink Femto-to-Macro-Cell Interference Avoidance
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2010, 2010:143413

Yingbin Liang, Gerhard Kramer, H. Vincent Poor, and Shlomo Shamai
Compound Wiretap Channels
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2009, Article ID 142374
Steven W. Peters, Ali Y. Panah, Kien T. Truong, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Relay architectures for 3GPP LTE-advanced
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2009, doi:10.1155/2009/618787

Sheng Jing, David N. C. Tse, Joseph B. Soriaga, Jilei Hou, John E. Smee, and Roberto Padovani
Multicell Downlink Capacity with Coordinated Processing
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2008, Article ID 586878
Rahul Vaze and Robert W. Heath Jr.
End-to-End Joint Antenna Selection Strategy and Distributed Compress and Forward Strategy for Relay Channels
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Volume 2009, Article ID 295418

Ying-Chang Liang, Sayed Naveen, Santosh K. Pilakkat, and Ashok K. Marath
Reconfigurable Signal Processing and Hardware Architecture for Broadband Wireless Communications
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2005, Pages 323-332
Mustafa Cenk Gursoy, H. Vincent Poor and Sergio Verdu
On-Off Frequency-Shift Keying for Wideband Fading Channels
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2006, Article ID 98564

Zigui Yang, Anders Host-Madsen
Routing and Power Allocation in Asynchronous Gaussian Multiple-Relay Channels
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2006, Article ID 56914
Husheng Li, Vincent Poor
Impact of channel estimation errors on multiuser detection via the replica method
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2005, Issue 2, pp. 175-186

Mahmoud Khaled Abd-Ellah, Ali Ismail Awad , Ashraf A. M. Khalaf, Hesham F. A. Hamed
Two-phase multi-model automatic brain tumour diagnosis system from magnetic resonance images using convolutional neural networks
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, September 2018.

Jaehyun An, Seong Jong Ha and Nam Ik Cho
Probabilistic motion pixel detection for the reduction of ghost artifacts in high dynamic range images from multiple exposures
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2014:42, August 2014
Xiaolin Shen and Lu Yu
CU splitting early termination based on weighted SVM
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2013, 2013:4

Yang, Jingjing, Li, Yuanning, Tian, Yonghong, Duan, Ling-Yu, Gao, Wen
Per-Sample Multiple Kernel Approach for Visual Concept Learning
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2010, 2010:461450
Pierre Greisen, Simon Heinzle, Markus Gross, Andreas P Burg
An FPGA-based processing pipeline for high-definition stereo video
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Volume 2011, doi:10.1186/1687-5281-2011-18

Karsten Müller, Aljoscha Smolic, Kristina Dix, Philipp Merkle, Peter Kauff and Thomas Wiegand
View Synthesis for Advanced 3D Video Systems
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Volume 2008, Article ID 438148