Society Awards
The EURASIP Early Career Award is to be awarded to an outstanding researcher or engineer working within the technical scope of EURASIP at an early or mid-stage of their career whose current work shows not only significant scientific achievements but also high potential to advance scientific knowledge through novel, timely and significant endeavors. This award targets at researchers who are less than forty.
Nominations should be sent to Eurasip Director for Awards by December 31st of each year. The award ceremony takes place during the EUSIPCO conference.
Nomination forms and basis for the award can be downloaded from the links below:
Victor ElviraÂ
for contributions in the theory and practice of Importance Sampling and Particle Filtering methodologiesÂ
Alexander Bertrand
for contributions to signal processing for EEG, neuro-steered hearing prostheses, and neural implants
Yoann Altmann
for contributions to statistical inference in multidimensional and low-photon image analysis
Paolo Di Lorenzo
for contributions to the field of distributed signal processing, optimization, and learning over networks
Alexandros Iosifidis
for contributions to statistical machine learning and artificial neural networks
Antonio G. Marques
for contributions in network resource allocation and graph signal processing
Michael Muma
for contributions to robust signal processing and statistical learning
Emil Björnson
for significant contributions to multi-antenna communications and open science
Michalis Matthaiou
for significant contributions to signal processing for MIMO and massive MIMO systems
Giuseppe Valenzise
for significant contributions to video coding and analysis
Herwig Wendt
for significant contributions to Statistical Inference in Multivariate Multidimensional Multifractal Analysis
This year was the first edition of the EURASIP Early Career Award.
Mads Græsbøll Christensen
for significant contributions to statistical processing of audio and speech signals
The EURASIP Meritorious Service Award is given to a distinguished scientist in acknowledgement of his/her services to EURASIP. Nominations should be sent to EURASIP Director for Awards by December 31st of each year. The award ceremony takes place during the EUSIPCO conference.
Nomination forms can be downloaded here.
Fernando Pereira
for Leadership and Activities as EURASIP Director for Technical Activities and for Continuous Commitment with EURASIP over the last twenty years
Frédéric Dufaux
for his leadership and contributions for the development of visual information processing within EURASIP
Fulvio Gini
for Leadership and Activities as EURASIP President and for continuous commitment with EURASIP over the last fifteen years in almost all aspects
Marc MoonenÂ
for Leadership and Activities as EURASIP President and for continuous commitment with EURASIP over the last twenty years in almost all aspects
Aggelos Pikrakis
For his fundamental activities in machine learning and deep neural networks and for his continuous commitment with EURASIP in the last 13 years in different roles, significantly contributing to the modernization of EURASIP’s IT infrastructure
Ana Pérez
for Leadership and Activities as EURASIP Membership and Awards Director and for Continuous Commitment with EURASIP over the last fifteen years in almost all aspects
Markus Rupp
For Leadership and Activities as EURASIP Chair and for Continuous Commitment with EURASIP over the last fifteen years in almost all aspects
Anthony Constantinides
For meritorious service at the highest technical level to the Society from the foundation to the present day
Sergios Theodoridis
For contributions at the highest technical level of achievement in service of the Society
Bulent Sankur
for Leadership and Activities as EURASIP Publications Chair
Björn Ottersten
for his leadership and activities as Editor-in-Chief of the EURASIP Signal Processing Journal
Phillip Regalia
for his leadership and activities as Editor-in-Chief of the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking and Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
Ferran Marques
for distinguished service to the European Association for Signal Processing
Ulrich Heute
for fundamental activities in image processing and for continuous commitment with EURASIP in this last fifteen years in almost all aspects
Giovanni Sicuranza
for fundamental activities in Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing and for Continuous Commitment with EURASIP in the Last Ten Years
Peter M. Grant
for fundamental activities in adaptive signal processing and CDMA and for continuous commitment with EURASIP in this last 10 years in almost all aspects from co-chairing EUSIPCO 1994 to being the association President (2000-2002)
K. J. Ray Liu
for his activities in re-launching the EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing as an extremely successful forum for the whole signal processing society and promoting as Editor-in-Chief the new “EURASIP Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications”
Leonardo Chiariglione
for his fundamental activities in audio and video standardization and the foundation of the EURASIP journal Image Communication
Maurice Bellanger
for his activities at industry and academia and for the consolidation of the EURASIP organization during his Presidentship
The EURASIP Group Technical Achievement Award is given to the Head of a Group in Academia or Industry that has achieved significant contributions in Signal Processing and related areas over a number of years.
Nominations should be sent to EURASIP Director for Awards by December 31st of each year. The award ceremony takes place during the EUSIPCO conference.
Nomination forms can be downloaded here .
Rainer MartinÂ
for contributions to statistical signal processing of speech and audio in hearing devices and for mobile communications through extensive activities of his research group
Sabine Van Huffel
For establishing one of the leading European research groups in biomedical signal processing
Sharon Gannot
For contributions to theory and practice of microphone array signal processing and statistical learning in speech enhancement through extensive activities of his research group
Jesper Jensen
for his leadership and outstanding contributions to the fields of acoustic signal processing and speech enhancement
Mark Sandler
for his leadership and outstanding contribution to the development and innovation of digital music and audio
Björn Ottersten
for efficient leadership at multiple levels and fundamental contributions in sensor array processing and signal processing for communications
Joos Vandewalle
For Sustained Pioneering Contributions to Theory and Applications in Signal Processing and Machine Learning
Walter Kellermann
for contributions to acoustic signal processing for blind source separation and spatial filtering through extensive activities of his research group
Gianni Vernazza
for contributions to signal processing and pattern recognition with applications to remote sensing, communications and biomedical imaging
Mohamed Najim
for pioneering contributions to Theory and Applications in Signal and Image Processing
Joachim H. G. Ender
for contributions to array signal processing and multichannel synthetic aperture radar
Levent Onural
for contributions to signal processing issues related to diffraction, holography and holographic video
Miguel Angel Lagunas Hernández
for contributions to theory and industrial applications of statistical signal processing
Thomas Wiegand
for contributions to video coding research and standardization activities
Jean Serra
in recognition of his fundamental contributions to the foundation of mathematical morphology and its applications in signal and image processing
Mats Viberg
for contributions to statistical signal processing with applications to radar, communications, and automotive systems
Alfonso Farina
for development and application of Adaptive Signal Processing Techniques in Radar Systems
Micheal G. Strintzis
for significant contributions to the theory and application of digital filtering and image processing and coding
Ulrich Heute
for effective leadership in speech signal processing, coding and recognition and his group’s fundamental contributions in this field
John McWhirter
for dynamic leadership of QineticQ advances in algorithmic signal processing for application in defense systems
Murat Kunt
for major contributions to signal, image and image sequence analysis, processing and coding
Yrjo Neuvo
for major contributions to signal processing research at academia and industry
Eberhard Haensler
for major contributions in the design and implementation of acoustic echo and noise control systems
Odile Macchi
for major contributions in the theory and practice of stochastic point processes and adaptive systems
The EURASIP Technical Achievement Award is given to a scientist who has made significant research contributions in Signal Processing Theory and Applications.
Nominations should be sent to EURASIP Director for Awards by December 31st of each year. The award ceremony takes place during the EUSIPCO conference.
Nomination forms can be downloaded here.
Alle-Jan Van Der Veen
for contributions to subspace-based array signal processing
Patrick Flandrin
for seminal contributions to time-frequency and time-scale analysis at the interfaces between signal processing and nonlinear physics
Nikos Sidiropoulos
for contributions to tensor decomposition, beamforming, and spectral analysis
Geert Leus
for contributions to signal processing for communications and sensing
Eric Moulines
for major contributions in statistical inference, in particular in hidden Markov chains and non-linear state models
Christine Guillemot
for contributions to video processing for compression and inverse problems
Michael Unser
for fundamental contributions to the theory of sparse stochastic processes and sparsity-based signal processing
Robert W. Heath Jr.
for Significant Contributions to Signal Processing in MIMO Communication Systems
Mauro Barni
for contributions to digital watermarking, multimedia security and forensics
Mário A. T. Figueiredo
for fundamental contributions to optimization algorithms for sparsity-based and wavelet-based signal processing
Visa Koivunen
for fundamental contributions to statistical signal processing and its applications in wireless communications, radar and related fields
William J. Fitzgerald
for contributions in applications of Bayesian theory in signal processing
Steve Young
for contributions to the development of Spoken Language Systems including Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis and Dialogue Management
Peter M. Djuric
for contributions to the theory and application of Monte Carlo-based methods to signal processing
Yuri I. Abramovich
for fundamental contributions to adaptive array processing for radar
Sergio Barbarossa
for contributions to synthetic aperture radar and wireless communications and networks
Moeness G. Amin
for contributions to radar imaging and interference mitigation in communications and navigation systems
Martin Vetterli
in recognition of his fundamental contributions to wavelet theory and its applications
Petros Maragos
for contributions to Nonlinear Signal Processing and Systems Theory, Image Processing, and Speech Processing
Pierre Comon
for contributions in the field of Blind Signal Processing and the Independent Component Analysis Methodology
Georgios B. Giannakis
for fundamental contributions in Statistical Signal Processing and Signal Processing for Communications
Wolfgang Mecklenbrauker
for his pioneering contributions in digital signal processing and his seminal work on reinterpreting the two-dimensional Wigner distribution, from its use as a quantum-mechanical function, into an electronic time-frequency signal analysis technique
Bernd Girod
for his fundamental contributions to networked media systems, video signal compression and coding, and 3-D image analysis and synthesis
Sanjit K. Mitra
for outstanding contributions to analogue and digital signal and image processing
Petre Stoica
for his contributions to system indentification, spectral analysis and statistical signal processing
The EURASIP Athanasios Papoulis Award is given to honour scientists whose work has had a major impact in various aspects on Signal Processing education. The award is offered only on demand, every time there is an exceptional candidate and not on a regular period of time.
Nominations should be sent to EURASIP Director for Awards by December 31st of each year. The award ceremony takes place during the EUSIPCO conference.
Nomination forms can be downloaded here.
Ronald W. Schafer
For Outstanding Contributions to Education in the Signal Processing and Speech Processing Disciplines
Palghat P. Vaidyanathan
for outstanding contributions to research and teaching of signal processing and multirate filter bank theory
Georgios Giannakis
for outstanding teaching, research, educational tools, and mentorship of graduate students in Signal Processing, Wireless Communications, and Data Science
Stephen Boyd
for outstanding contributions to Convex Optimization-based Signal Processing Research and Education
Lajos Hanzo
for inspirational research-led guidance of graduate students, for global education of new multimedia signal processing techniques designed for wireless communications and for research monographs
Sergios Theodoridis
for Sustained Fundamental Contributions to Research and Education in Signal Processing and Machine Learning
Peter Stoica
for outstanding contributions to research and education in statistical signal processing, array signal processing, and waveform design
Harold Vincent Poor
for Outstanding Contributions to Research and Education in Signal Processing, Communications, and Information Theory
Ali H. Sayed
for fundamental contributions to the advancement of research and education in the areas of adaptive and statistical signal processing
Ezio Biglieri
for Outstanding Contributions to Education in Communications and Information Theory
Thomas Kailath
for outstanding life-long contributions to signal processing research and education
Simon Haykin
for contributions to to Education in Signal Processing, Telecommunications and Pattern Recognition
Sanjit Mitra
for contributions to research and education in signal processing
John Proakis
for Outstanding Contributions to Education in the Signal Processing Discipline