Student Committee


This committee aims to foster student participation in multiple EURASIP activities, specifically society events (e.g. conferences and workshops) and opportunities for recognition (e.g. travel grants, 3 minutes thesis (3MT) competition, EUSIPCO best student paper award, best PhD award, and best paper award for Elsevier and Springer Journals). The committee will seek to organize seminars periodically from students and/or professors on cutting-edge topics as well as dedicated training sessions for preparation of best paper award and 3MT competitions. A dedicated virtual channel (e.g., discord, slack, etc.) will allow students to interact and discuss technical and/or non-technical problems.


SPCN: Konstantinos D. Katsanos

TMTSP: Jasin Machkour   

BForSec: Andrea Montibeller

BISA: Sude Pehlivan

ASMSP : Yuanbo Ho 

SIG-DML : Riccardo Corvi

SPMuS : Alice Ruget

VIP : Marta Milovanovic


The committee is led by two co-chairs. The term for the two co-chairs is three years, possibly renewable once.


The members of the committee are Ph.D. students and/or Post-docs that participate in EURASIP activities. At least one member of each TAC must be present. The term of the members is 2 years, and can only be renewed once. New members are elected by the current members. The committee is composed of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 16 members.


A face-to-face meeting of the student committee will be organized in EUSIPCO every year. At least six online meetings (i.e., one every two months) will be organized to meet the objectives of the committee.