In 2007, the EURASIP Administrative Committee (AdCom) initiated a “Fellowship Programme”, to recognize outstanding achievements of its members and volunteers. Each year, a select group of signal processing researchers are elevated to ‘EURASIP Fellow’, the Association’s most prestigious honor.
The deadline for nominations is October 31st of each year. To download the nomination form, click here. Nominations should be submitted to the EURASIP Director for Awards by e-mail.
Marco Di Renzo
For contributions to theoretical and signal processing advances in wireless communication systems and networks, notably spatial and index modulation, and reconfigurable and holographic surfaces
Martin Haardt
For contributions to multi-user MIMO communications and tensor-based signal processing
Daniel Palomare
For contributions to optimization theory and algorithms with applications in communication systems and finance
Gerhard P. Fettweis
For Contributions to Digital Signal Processing for Wireless Communication Systems
Pictures by Vincent Moncorgé @Eusipco2024
Patrice Abry
For contributions to scale-free temporal and spatial dynamics modelling and analysis in signals and images
John Thompson
For signal processing advances in multiple antenna and relayed wireless communication systems
Dimitri Van de Ville
For contributions to biomedical image and signal processing and application to functional brain imaging
Abdelhak Zoubir
For contributions to the theory and practice of statistical methods for signal processing
Touradj Ebrahimi
For contributions to multimedia signal processing in image and video coding standardization, media security and multimedia quality of experience
Jean-Christophe Pesquet
For contributions in optimization methods for signal and image processing
Ana Isabel Pérez Neira
For contributions to signal processing for satellite and wireless communication systems
Mérouane Debbah
For contributions to the theory and design of wireless networks
Mario Figueiredo
For contributions to optimization algorithms for sparsity-based and wavelet-based signal processing
Walter Kellermann
For contributions to the theory and practice of acoustic signal processing
Jean-Philippe Thiran
For contributions in signal processing and medical image analysis
Visa Koivunen
For contributions to multisensor and statistical signal processing
Stephen McLaughlin
For contributions to statistical signal processing in computational imaging and communications
Moe Win
For contributions to the theory and practice of cooperative localization
Josiane Zerubia
For contributions to stochastic modelling for signal and image processing in remote sensing
Rachid Deriche
For contributions to computational brain imaging
Lieven De Lathauwer
For contributions to tensor-based signal processing
Ali H. Sayed
For contributions to adaptation and learning theories
Rémi Gribonval
For contributions to the theory and applications of sparse signal processing and machine learning
Franz Hlawatsch
For contributions to time-frequency signal processing and statistical signal processing
Marc Moonen
For contributions to signal processing for communications, speech and audio applications
Antonio Ortega
For contributions to image and video compression and graph signal processing
Pierre Comon
For contributions to independent component analysis, source separation and tensor decompositions, with applications to digital communications, health and environment
Yonina Eldar
For contributions to Sub-Nyquist and Compressed Sampling, Convex Optimization and Statistical Signal Processing
Aggelos Katsaggelos
For contributions to the Fields of Image and Video Processing
Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu
For contributions to the theory and practice of image and video compression and networking
Petar M. Djurić
For contributions to the Theory and Practice of Bayesian Signal Processing
Geert Leus
For contributions to Signal Processing for Communications
Michael Davies
For contributions to Sparse Representations in Signal Processing and Compressed Sensing
Paulo S. R. Diniz
For contributions to Digital Signal Processing, Adaptive Filtering, and Communications
Moeness Amin
For contributions to Signal Processing for Radar and Satellite Navigation
Sergio Barbarossa
For contributions to Signal Processing for Radar Remote Sensing, Sensor and Communication Networks
Dirk Slock
For contributions to adaptive filtering and signal processing for communications
Peter Vary
For contributions to wireless speech- and audio-communications
Nikolaos Sidiropoulos
For contributions to tensor decomposition and signal processing for communications
Alle-Jan van der Veen
For contributions to array signal processing applied to communications and radio astronomy
Miguel Lagunas
For contributions in the application of multi-antenna signal processing techniques to satellite systems
Karlheinz Brandenburg
For contributions to perceptual audio coding
Ioannis Pitas
For contributions in digital media watermarking, nonlinear signal and image processing and human-centered computing
Christian Jutten
For pioneering contributions to independent component analysis and source separation
Johann F. Böhme
For contributions to statistical signal processing
Fernando Pereira
For contributions to digital video representation technologies and standards
Jaakko Astola
For contributions to signal, image and video processing
Ingrid Daubechies
For contributions to the theory and applications of the wavelet transform
Jelena Kovačević
For contributions to the theory and applications of wavelet-based coding
Eric Moulines
For contributions to statistical signal processing and applications to speech analysis
Helmut Bölcskei
For contributions to MIMO wireless communications
Jean-Francois Cardoso
For contributions to blind source separation, higher-order statistics, array processing, and performance analysis
Lajos Hanzo
For advances in signal processing for adaptive modulation, turbo decoding and synchronisation for wireless cellular systems
Sergios Theodoridis
For Advances in Adaptive Algorithms for Signal Processing and Machine Learning
Petros Maragos
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
For contributions to morphological signal processing and nonlinear systems with applications in computer vision, image processing, speech and language processing, multimedia and cognitive systems
Alfonso Farina
SELEX Sistemi Integrati, Italy
For contributions to radar system design, signal, data and image processing, data fusion and particularly for the development of innovative algorithms for deployment into practical radar systems
Stéphane Mallat
Ecole Polytechnique, France
For contributions to wavelets, multi-scale and time-frequency signal processing techniques for the encoding and de-noising of images
Patrick Flandrin
CNRS ENS Lyon, France
For contributions to time-frequency and non-stationary signal analysis
Josef Kittler
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
For contributions to pattern recognition, image processing and computer vision
Michael Unser
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
For contributions to biomedical imaging and spline-based signal analysis
Joos Vandewalle
K.U.Leuven, Belgium
For contributions to mathematical methods for signal processing and machine learning
Pierre Duhamel
LSS/CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, France
Georgios Giannakis
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Bernd Girod
Stanford University, Stanford, USA
Björn Ottersten
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
Peter Grant
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Wolfgang Mecklenbraeuker
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Peter Stoica
Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden
Martin Vetterli
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland