Best PhD Award
EURASIP has created and is maintaining a database of PhD manuscripts at, which is presently the World’s database of this kind in the area of signal processing. The database also keeps track of download statistics.
Each year a committee of experts nominated by the EURASIP BoD selects up to three theses related to different areas of signal processing to be awarded. The selection process is based on the evaluation of the impact of the theses, their subsequent journal and conference publications and related citations received, on the review reports of three independent reviewers, and on the download statistics. The download statistics are instrumental only in forming a shortlist of the top 30 theses.
To nominate a thesis that is not uploaded in the database of PhD manuscripts at, you can use the nomination form.
In order to select the 20xx best PhD theses, a temporal window of the years 20xx-5 through 20xx-3 is considered. The awards are presented during the Awards Ceremony at EUSIPCO 20xx. Each award consists of a certificate and of a monetary prize of 1K to cover travelling & accommodation cost for attending the Awards Ceremony
Thesis Title: High-End Performance with Low-End Hardware: Analysis of Massive MIMO Base Station Transceivers
Author: Christopher Mollén
Institution: Linköpings Universitet
Year: 2018
Supervisor: Erik G. Larsson, Thomas Eriksson
Thesis Title: Informed spatial filters for speech enhancement
Author: Maja Taseska
Institution: Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nornberg, Germany
Year: 2018
Supervisor: Emanuel A. P. Habets
Thesis Title: Mining the ECG: Algorithms and Applications
Author: Carolina Varon
Institution: KU Leuven, Belgium
Year: 2015
Supervisor: Sabine Van Huffel and Johan Suykens

Thesis Title: Dereverberation and noise reduction techniques based on acoustic multi-channel equalization
Author: Ina Kodrasi
Institution: University of Oldenburg, Germany
Year: 2015
Supervisor: Simon Doclo

Thesis Title: Matrix Designs and Methods for Secure and Efficient Compressed Sensing
Author: Valerio Cambareri
Institution: University of Bologna, Italy
Year: 2015
Supervisor: Riccardo Rovatti and Gianluca Setti

Thesis Title: Distributed Caching Methods in Small Cell Networks
Author: Ejder Bastug
Institution: CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, France
Year: 2015
Supervisor: Mérouane Debbah, Jean-Claude Belfiore, Mehdi Bennis

Thesis Title: Flexible Multi-Microphone Acquisition and Processing of Spatial Sound Using Parametric Sound Field Representations
Author: Oliver Thiergart
Institution: Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany
Year: 2015
Supervisor: Emanuël Habets

Thesis Title: Sparsity Models for Signals: Theory and Applications
Author: Raja Giryes
Institution: Technion, Israel
Year: 2014
Supervisor: Michael Elad

Thesis Title: Signal Design for Active Sensing and Communications
Author: Mojtaba Soltanalian
Institution: Uppsala University, Sweden
Year: 2014
Supervisor: Petre Stoica

Thesis Title: Massive MIMO: Fundamentals and System Designs
Author: Quoc Hien Ngo
Institution: Linkoping University, Sweden
Year: 2016
Supervisor: Erik G. Larsson

Thesis Title: Design and Analysis of Duplexing Modes and Forwarding Protocols for OFDM(A) Relay Links
Author: Taneli Riihonen
Institution: Aalto University, Finland
Year: 2014
Supervisor: Risto Wichman and Stefan Werner

Thesis Title: Distributed Video Coding for Wireless Lightweight Multimedia Applications
Author: Nikos Deligiannis
Institution: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Year: 2012
Supervisor: Adrian Munteanu and Peter Schelkens

Thesis Title: Multiantenna Cellular Communications: Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Resource Allocation
Author: Emil Bjornson
Institution: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Year: 2011
Supervisor: Björn Ottersten, Mats Bengtsson

Thesis Title: Advanced Algebraic Concepts for Efficient Multi-Channel Signal Processing
Author: Florian Roemer
Institution: Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany
Year: 2012
Supervisor: Martin Haardt

Thesis Title: Design and Exploration of Radio Frequency Identification Systems by Rapid Prototyping
Author: Christoph Angerer
Institution: Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Year: 2010
Supervisor: Markus Rupp, Robert Weigel

Thesis Title: GNSS Array-based Acquisition: Theory and Implementation
Author: Javier Arribas
Institution: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Year: 2012
Supervisor: Carles Fernandez

Thesis Title: Bayesian Signal Processing Techniques for GNSS Receivers: from multipath mitigation to positioning
Author: Pau Closas
Institution: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Year: 2009
Supervisor: Carles Fernandez

Thesis Title: Filter Bank Techniques for the Physical Layer in Wireless Communications
Author: Tobias Hidalgo Stitz
Institution: Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Year: 2010
Supervisor: Markku Renfors

Thesis Title: Multiple-description lattice vector quantization
Author: Jan Ostergaard
Institution: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Year: 2007
Supervisor: R. I. Lagendijk, R. Heusdens

Thesis Title: Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications
Author: Thomas Schon
Institution: Linkoping University, Sweden
Year: 2006
Supervisor: Fredrik Gustafsson

Thesis Title: Adapted Fusion Schemes for Multimodal Biometric Authentication
Author: Julian Fierrez
Institution: Escuela Politecnica Superior, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Year: 2006
Supervisor: Javier Ortega-Garcia

Thesis Title: Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Using Non-Linear Filtering Techniques
Author: Mejdi Trimeche
Institution: Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Year: 2006
Supervisor: Moncef Gabbouj

Thesis Title: Geometric Approach to Statistical Learning Theory through Support Vector Machines (SVM) with Application to Medical Diagnosis
Author: Michael Mavroforakis
Institution: University of Athens, Greece
Year: 2008
Supervisor: Sergios Theodoridis

Thesis Title: Signal processing of FMCW Synthetic Aperture Radar data
Author: Adriano Meta
Institution: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Year: 2006
Supervisors: P. Hoogeboom, L. P. Ligthart