- Institute of Electrical and Electrical Engineers (IEEE)
- Institute of Electrical Engineer (IEE) Signal Processing
- French Society of Electronics, Electricity, Communication and Information Technologies (SEE)
- The UK Adaptive Signal Processing Club
- Electrical Engineering Resources Page of the European Circuit Society (Denmark)
- The Institute of Communications and Radio-Frequency Engineering
- Graz University of Technology, Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
- National Research Center (CNRS), list of laboratories related to signal processing, automatic control and informatics here
- Tιlιcommunications Spatiales et Aιronautiques
- Tιlιcom Paris
- Supelec
- University of Athens, Signal and Image Processing Laboratory
- Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas, Informatics and Telematics Institute
- University of Ioannina, Information Processing and Analysis Research Group
- Aristotle University, Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis Laboratory
- University of Patras, Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory
- Computer Visison, Speech Communication and Signal Processing Group
- Cultural and Educational Technology Institute
- National Technical University of Athens – Image, Video and Multimedia Systems Laboratory
- Technical University of Crete – Telecommunications, Information and Computer Networks Laboratory
- CNIT (Italian University Consortium for Telecommunications)
- Politecnico di Milano: Dipartimento di Elettronica ed Informazione
- Politecnico di Torino, Department of Electronics, Microelectronics Group
- University of Pisa , Dipartiment di ingegneria dell’ informatiziona elettronica, informatica, telecomunicazioni
- University of Firenze: Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, Laboratorio Comunicazioni e immagini
- University of Genova: Department of Biophysical and Electronic Engineering, Signal Processing and Telecommunications (SP&T) Group
- University of Trieste: Image Processing Laboratory, Dept
The Netherlands
- Institute of Telecommunications
- Instituto Superior Tιcnico
- University of Aveiro
- University of Porto – Faculty of Engineering
- Institute for Systems and Robotics
- INESC Porto
- Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory, St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Bogazici University, Istanbul
- Sabanci University, Istanbul
- Middle East Technical University, Ankara
- Koc University, Istanbul
- Multimedia Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition Group, Istanbul Technical University
United Kingdom
- University of Strathclyde: Signal Processing Division, Dept EEE
- University of Strathclyde: DSP Enabled Communications Group
- University of Edinburgh: Signal and Systems Group, Dept EEE
- Universities of Strathclyde and Edinburgh: WebEng Project
- University of Surrey: VSSP: Vision, Speech and Signal Processing Group
- Cambridge University Engineering Dept.: Signal Processing Group
- Imperial College: Signal Processing and Digital Systems Section
- University of Reading: Signal Processing Laboratory
- University of Southampton, ISVR Signal Processing and Control Group
European Companies
- GEM Elettronica
- Alenia Spazio
- Galileo Avionica
- Telespazio
- Elettronica S.p.A.
United Kingdom
- Integrated Silicon Systems Ltd. – FPGA & ASIC design
- Wolfson Microelectronics Ltd
- Entegra Ltd
- Signals and Software Ltd
- The Java development pages from Sun .
- Gamelan (Java Directory)
- (Java Review Service)
- Java Developers Journal
- Java Lobby
- Java Report (Independent Source for Java development)
- Java World
Below are a few links to applets connected with Digital Signal Processing:
- Java based DSP education . An algorithm for basic adaptive filtering and another foradvanced adaptive filtering .
- MathXplorer/JS, Math Server for the WWW from Mathwizards
- Picture Game at the THOR Center for Neuroinformatics Human Brain Project Repository
- Systool from the University of Erlangen has Java applets for DSP education
- Wavelet Tutorial from Rice University
- Fourier Synthesis Applet and Poles and Zeroes Applet from Braunschweig University of Technology
- A Bandwidth Demo from Andrew Tuttle
- Design of FIR Filters by Windowing from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Applets for ‘Random Signals and Noise’ a good set of applets from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Zeroes and Poles applet from the University of Nebraska
- Digital Signal Processor written by Andrei Akimov
- Low-Pass Filter and High-Pass Filter applets both available from The Scots Guide to Electronics
- Digital filter designer from the University of Westminster Department of Electronic Systems Engineering
- DSP Design Performance by Jeffrey Taft
- EASEIT-Eng, Evaluative and Advisory Support to Encourage Innovative Teaching in Engineering
- Jakob Neilson’s Usability Heuristics
- Instructional Management System Metadata Specification (IMS)
- IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Learning Object Metadata Draft (LOM)
- Some evaluation guidelines for online resources for art, design, architecture and media resources
- Evaluating Web Resources
- Evaluation of information sources
- Information Quality WWW Virtual Library
- Internet Detective: an interactive tutorial on evaluating the quality of Internet resources
- NODE Learning Technologies Network’s “Resources for Learners”
- The Virtual Librarian
- Teachers Evaluating Educational Multimedia (TEEM )
- Insitute of Educational Technolgy
Technical computing portal for scientific and engineering needs. Over 20,000 useful links to technical computing programmers, covering Java, Excel, MATLAB, Fortran and others
Search Engines
- Yahoo! UK and Ireland (Good for UK based sites)
- Metacrawler (Searches all the other search engines)
- (Search engine for electronics)
- EEVL (Edinburgh University Virtual Library)
- Techonline
- How Stuff Works (Excellent Resource)
- Jinno’s DSP Links